Okay, so the other day I found myself going down a bit of a rabbit hole thinking about Bret Hart and his wife. It started pretty randomly, actually. I was digging through some old boxes in the garage, looking for something completely different, and stumbled upon a stack of wrestling magazines from the 90s.

The Trigger
Seeing those old WWF Magazine covers, man, it took me right back. Bret was all over them, usually looking cool with his shades or slapping on the Sharpshooter. Then I saw one picture, maybe a small one tucked inside an article, and it got me thinking about his life outside the ring back then. Specifically, I tried to remember details about his wife at the time, Julie. You know, you’d see glimpses here and there, maybe in a documentary clip or a brief mention, but they kept things pretty private compared to nowadays.
Down the Rabbit Hole
So, my first step was just trying to recall stuff. Didn’t get very far. My memory’s not what it used to be, I guess. Then I thought, hey, I’ve got this stack of magazines right here. Perfect opportunity! I spent a good hour or two flipping through them.
- Found tons of match reports.
- Saw lots of photos of Bret with Owen, Bulldog, Neidhart.
- Read some interviews with Bret, mostly about storylines.
But finding solid info or candid photos related to his family life back then? Pretty slim pickings in my collection. It was all very kayfabe-focused, naturally.
Trying Other Avenues
Next, I figured I’d just do a quick check online. Not looking for gossip, more just trying to piece together a clearer picture from that era. I typed in a few things, browsed some fan forums and retrospective sites. It’s weird, you get loads of results, but sometimes it’s hard to find genuine, specific stuff from way back then amidst all the noise. Lots of conflicting dates or vague references.
I remembered seeing some specific interview or maybe a home video clip ages ago. Thought maybe I had it on an old VHS tape. Went back to the garage. More digging! Found tapes of old PPVs, recorded episodes of Raw, but not the specific clip I was picturing. It might just be something I half-remembered incorrectly.
The Takeaway
Honestly, after all that looking around, I didn’t really find the specific detail or photo I thought I remembered. But the whole process was kinda fun. It wasn’t really about digging up private stuff, more just reminiscing about that time in wrestling and how different it was accessing information. We just had the magazines and whatever the shows told us, mostly. Spending that afternoon with those old mags and thinking about Bret’s career, the Hart Foundation days… that was the real payoff. A proper nostalgia trip. Sometimes the searching is more interesting than the finding.