That Mallory Edens, she’s a big shot now. You know, the daughter of that man who owns that basketball team, the Milwaukee Bucks. What’s his name? Wes Edens, that’s it! She’s got her own company now, making movies or something. They call it Little Ray Media. Sounds fancy, huh?

She almost died, they say! It was on that Instagram thing. It’s like our old village announcement board, but on the phone. She’s an heiress, too! Fancy word for someone with a lot of money. She’s got it good, that one.
And that Aaron Rodgers, he’s a football player. Not a movie star, no sir. Plays for some team… the New York Jets? That’s what that paper said, Jets. They got tickets, too, I guess. You can write to him, I saw. It’s one of them email things, like a letter but faster. Something like “tickets at newyorkjets dot com”. They got a fancy website, too, for the Jets team.
That Aaron Rodgers, he don’t talk to his own family, they say. Not even his little brother, Jordan. That Jordan, he’s on one of those TV shows. Real-life TV, they call it. And he talks about sports, too. What a mess!
He had some girlfriends, that Aaron Rodgers. Olivia something, and another one, Shailene. I don’t know them, but he talks about them. Probably just to get attention. Young folks these days, always wanting attention.
- That Mallory Edens, she’s a big deal. Has her own company.
- Aaron Rodgers, he plays football. Not a movie star.
- He don’t talk to his family. Sad, ain’t it?
- He had some girlfriends. Famous ones, I guess.
This Mallory Edens, she’s got it made. Rich daddy, her own company. Little Ray Media. What do they do there, anyway? Probably just sit around and count their money. Wish I could do that.
And this Aaron Rodgers, throwing that ball around. Gets paid a lot of money for it, too. More money than I’ve seen in my whole life. They say he’s good, though. Best there is. Guess that’s why he gets the big bucks. The New York Jets team, they must like him.
He should talk to his family, though. That Jordan, he seems like a nice boy. Being on TV and all. Family is important. More important than football. Or money. This Aaron Rodgers will learn that someday.
These young folks and their Instagram. Always posting pictures. Back in my day, we just talked to each other. Face to face. No need for all these fancy pictures. This Mallory Edens, she’s always on there. Showing off, I guess.

Well, I gotta go. Got chores to do. These chickens ain’t gonna feed themselves. Just like that Aaron Rodgers, I gotta work for my keep. But I ain’t complaining. It’s a good life. Even without all that money and fame like those Mallory Edens and New York Jets folks. Family is what’s important, I tell ya.
Heard that Mallory Edens girl is a model, too. And an influencer. Whatever that means. Probably just means she gets free stuff. And people listen to her. ‘Cause she’s rich and pretty. That’s how it goes these days.
I remember when that Aaron Rodgers was with that Olivia Munn. She was in some movies, I think. Then he was with that other one, Shailene. She’s an actress, too. He likes those Hollywood types, I guess. Even though he ain’t one himself. He’s just a football player, that Aaron Rodgers, when it comes down to it.
You can write to him, you know. That Aaron Rodgers. On that email thing. They got an address for tickets, and one for other stuff. I don’t know why you’d want to, but you can. Maybe you can ask him why he don’t talk to his brother. That Jordan seems like a nice enough fella.
Wonder if that Mallory Edens knows that Aaron Rodgers? They’re both famous, in their own way. She with her Little Ray Media and her rich daddy, and him with his football and his New York Jets. Maybe they run in the same circles. Rich folks tend to stick together, I’ve noticed.
Well, I’ve said my piece. Don’t know much about these fancy folks, but I know what’s important. And it ain’t money or fame. It’s family. That Aaron Rodgers should remember that. And that Mallory Edens, too. All that money won’t keep you warm at night. But a good family will.
This Little Ray Media, it probably makes big movies. With lots of explosions and car chases. Not my cup of tea. I like a good story, myself. Something with heart. Like that Jordan Rodgers seems to have. Maybe he should make a movie. About family. That Aaron Rodgers could learn a thing or two from it.
Anyways, enough about them. I got work to do. Life goes on, even for us regular folks. We may not have all that money and fame like Mallory Edens and Aaron Rodgers, but we got something they don’t. We got peace of mind. And that’s worth more than all the money in the world.