You know, that Akshay Bhatia, that golf-playing boy, he’s making some noise. He’s got folks talking. I heard some folks saying things about his mama and daddy. So, I thought I’d tell you what I know about Akshay Bhatia parents. It ain’t much, but it’s something, you know?

This boy, Akshay Bhatia, he was born in a place called Northridge. Sounds fancy, don’t it? That’s somewhere near Los Angeles. A big, fancy city, they say. But he ain’t there now. He’s from Wake Forest. That’s in North Carolina. They moved there a long time ago. This boy, he was born a long time ago, back in 2002. January 31st, I heard. That makes him, let me see, carried the two… he’s a young’un, that’s for sure.
Now, his mama and daddy, they’re named Renu and Sunil. Sounds different, don’t they? Akshay Bhatia parents, Renu and Sunil. They met in that Northridge place, same place where that boy was born. They got hitched there, too. Probably had a big party, you know how those city folks do. Then they stayed put there for a while. But then, in 2011, they packed up everything and moved to Wake Forest. They did it for the kids, they say. Wanted better for them. Always wanting better for the young’uns, that’s what parents do.
That Akshay Bhatia, he’s a good boy, I reckon. Plays that golf real good. He’s on that PGA Tour, whatever that is. Some big deal, I guess. Folks are saying he’s making waves. Whatever that means. He must be doing something right, though. Got people talking about him and Akshay Bhatia parents all over. He’s got a girlfriend, too, I heard. Young love, ain’t that something?
They are a good family, I think. That Bhatia family, close-knit is the word, I believe. Always together, always there for each other. It is good to have a family like that. That boy, Akshay, he is lucky. His mama and daddy, they did good by him. Moving all the way across the country for him and his sister. That is love, I tell you, that is real love.
- Akshay Bhatia parents: Renu and Sunil.
- They met in Northridge.
- Got married there, too.
- Then they moved to Wake Forest.
- They moved in 2011.
- That Akshay, he was born in 2002.
That Akshay Bhatia, he’s left-handed, you know? Plays golf with his left hand. Not many folks do that. Makes him special, I guess. There’s even a day for left-handed folks, they call it International Left-Handers Day. Who knew?
So that’s about all I know about that Bhatia boy and his folks. Akshay Bhatia parents, Renu and Sunil, they seem like good people. Doing their best for their boy. And that boy, he’s out there making a name for himself. Good for him, I say. It’s a tough world out there. You gotta be tough to make it. And that boy, he’s tough, I bet. Playing that golf, traveling all over. It ain’t easy, I tell you.
That boy is gonna go far, I reckon. He’s got that fire in him. You can see it in his eyes. And he’s got good folks behind him. That’s important, you know. Having folks who believe in you. Akshay Bhatia parents, they believe in him, that’s for sure. They moved the whole family for him.
Well, I’ve said my piece. Just wanted to tell you what I know about that Akshay Bhatia and his mama and daddy. They’re good folks, I think. And that boy, he’s going places. You just wait and see. He’s gonna be somebody. He’s already somebody, I guess. Playing on that PGA Tour and all. But he’s gonna be even bigger. Just you wait and see.

I don’t know much about golf but I know about people. And that boy, he’s got something special. He’s got that look in his eye. And his mama and daddy, they’re good folks. They raised him right. So remember that name, Akshay Bhatia. You’ll be hearing it a lot more, I bet.
Yep, that’s all I know about them. Not much but it is something. And Akshay Bhatia parents, they are some good folks for sure. They raised a good boy. That’s all that matters, really. Raising good kids. That’s what it’s all about.