Well now, folks, let’s sit down and talk about Amanda Balionis. You might know her if you follow golf, ‘cause she’s that friendly face always popping up during those big games. She’s been with CBS Sports for years, reporting on golf and even covering a bit of football here and there. But don’t think she’s just any ol’ reporter – no, no! Amanda’s got a charm about her, always out there smiling, talking to players, making folks feel at ease. You’ll see her with a microphone, and she’s got this way of making interviews feel like good ol’ chats.

Now, what makes her stand out? Well, first off, it’s her love for the game. You can tell just by watchin’ her – Amanda knows golf inside and out, and she cares deeply about sharing it with fans. It ain’t just about stats or big names for her; she wants to tell the story behind each game, and she does it with a lot of heart. In fact, you’ll even see her spending time off the job talking about sports and connecting with fans. And it’s not just golf, no sir. She’s got a love for all kinds of sports, and that’s what makes her special on CBS Sports.
Now, lemme tell ya, Amanda ain’t all about work either. Turns out, she’s a big ol’ dog lover – that’s right! And it ain’t just her saying she loves dogs. She’s actually gone and started her own thing called Puppies & Golf. It’s a foundation she made to help rescue dogs and find ‘em homes, all while mixing in a little bit of golf love. You can tell her heart’s in the right place, helping those furry friends find good homes and getting people involved in something she truly believes in. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, don’t it?
Personal Life and the Little Things
Amanda Balionis doesn’t keep much hidden when it comes to her personal life. Back in 2022, she married Bryn Renner, a former NFL quarterback. They seem mighty happy, sharing bits and pieces of their life on social media, showing that she’s got a life beyond the golf course. And even when she’s off the job, she loves posting little notes about family, friendships, and connecting with people.
More Than Just a Reporter
What’s more, Amanda’s gone and trained in yoga too – now that’s something you don’t see every day in a sports reporter! She’s got herself a 200-hour certification, which shows you that she’s serious about it. Yoga’s a big part of her life, helping her stay calm and grounded. She’s mentioned it before on social media, and it’s clear she believes in taking care of the mind just as much as the body. For someone who’s got such a busy schedule traveling to golf tournaments and reporting live, it’s a good thing to have a way to unwind.
Adventure Awaits
Now, Amanda’s always on the go! Just this year, she packed up and headed all the way to Scotland for the Genesis Scottish Open. You’d think she might slow down, but Amanda loves what she does, and she’s always sharing little travel moments and stories from her adventures. She takes her fans along with her through social media, sharing pictures, laughs, and even some cryptic posts that get folks talking. She’s got people guessing, like recently when she shared a little message about connecting with folks – it’s clear she’s all about bringing people together.

Fan Favorite
There ain’t no doubt that Amanda Balionis is loved by many. She’s got a natural charm, making everyone feel like they’re part of the game. She’s more than just a face on the screen; she’s someone folks can relate to. And every time she’s out there on the field, microphone in hand, you know you’re in for a good story. So whether it’s her sports reporting, her love for dogs, or her passion for yoga and traveling, Amanda’s out there living her best life and taking her fans right along with her. She’s as genuine as they come, and people appreciate that honesty and warmth. So here’s to Amanda, keepin’ it real on and off the screen!
Tags:Amanda Balionis, Golf, CBS Sports, Puppies and Golf, Bryn Renner