Andrey Rublev Wife: What We Know and Don’t Know

Alright, alright, let’s talk about this Andrey Rublev fella and his wife, or if he even has one. You know, like us old folks in the village gossipin’ ‘bout who’s hitched to who. It ain’t always easy to figure out these things, especially with these young’uns and their fancy ways.
First off, lemme tell ya, this Andrey, he’s a tennis player. A good one, they say. Hits that ball hard, runs around like a chicken with its head cut off. Reminds me of my grandson chasing after them pesky goats. But anyways, back to the wife business.
Now, I’ve been pokin’ around, listenin’ to folks, lookin’ at that internet thingy my grandkid showed me. Ain’t easy on these old eyes, I tell ya. But from what I gather, nobody really knows for sure if Andrey has a wife. He’s a private fella, that one. Keeps to himself, like old Man Johnson with his prize-winning pumpkins. He ain’t blabberin’ about his personal life to every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
Some folks say he might have a girlfriend, though. This Anastasia Homutova gal. They say she’s from Latvia, but grew up in Moscow. Now, Latvia, that’s far away, ain’t it? Further than the market town, that’s for sure. But Moscow, I heard of that place. Big city, lots of people. Probably got more folks there than we got chickens in this whole village.
- Is she his wife? Well, nobody’s sayin’ for sure. They ain’t wearin’ no rings that I can see in them pictures. You know how it is, young folks these days, they do things different. Maybe they just like keepin’ things quiet. Can’t blame ‘em, I guess. Nosy neighbors ain’t just a village thing, you know.
- What does she do? That’s another thing. Hardly anyone knows. Maybe she’s a teacher, or a doctor, or maybe she just stays home and bakes bread all day. Who knows? It ain’t like she’s shouting it from the rooftops. And Andrey, he ain’t tellin’ neither.
This Andrey, he’s busy, I reckon. Playing tennis all over the world. Traveling here, traveling there. Probably don’t have much time for settlin’ down and gettin’ hitched. Reminds me of my husband, always out in the fields, workin’ from sunup to sundown. Though, he didn’t have no fancy tennis rackets, just a good ol’ hoe.
You know, some of these tennis players, they got wives and girlfriends all dolled up, sittin’ in the stands, clappin’ and cheerin’. Like that Serena Williams girl. Now, she’s a strong one, that Serena. Won a whole bunch of trophies, they say. And she’s got a family too. But Andrey, he’s different. Quiet like. Focuses on his game, I guess.
So, the long and short of it is, nobody really knows if Andrey Rublev has a wife. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he’s got a secret family hidden away somewhere. Or maybe he’s just happy bein’ single and playin’ his tennis. It ain’t really none of our business, I suppose. But us old folks, we like to gossip, you know. Keeps things interesting.
Anyways, that’s all I could dig up. This internet thingy, it gives you some information but not everything. And these young people, they are so mysterious! It’s harder than getting a donkey to go where you want it to!

Just like tryin’ to figure out why the rooster crows at 3 am. Some things just are and some things you will never know!
Tags: [Andrey Rublev, Wife, Anastasia Homutova, Tennis, Relationship, Girlfriend, Personal Life, Serena Williams, Moscow, Latvia]