That Ashley Manning, I tell you, she’s a good woman. Married to that Peyton fella for, oh, seems like forever now. They got hitched a long time ago, almost 20 years! Met her back when, through a neighbor, I hear. Good, solid folks.

Peyton, he’s a big shot, you know. Football, and all that. But to Ashley, he’s just Peyton, I reckon. She’s a good wife, takes care of him. They got two young’uns, twins. Born back in, let me see, 2011, I believe. March it was. Yeah, March 31st, 2011. Time sure does fly, don’t it?
Them kids, Marshall and Mosley, they’re gettin’ big now. Thirteen, I think. Teenagers, already! Keepin’ Ashley and Peyton on their toes, I bet. Kids will do that to ya. But they’re good kids, those two. Ashley, she raised ’em right.
Ashley, she’s from Memphis. Down in Tennessee. Good place, Tennessee. Lots of good folks down there. She’s one of ’em, that’s for sure. Stuck by Peyton through thick and thin, that’s what a good wife does.
Now, that Peyton Manning, he’s a lucky man. Got himself a good woman in Ashley Manning. Not every fella can say that, you know. Some of these young’uns today, they don’t know how good they got it. But Peyton, he knows. He appreciates Ashley. You can tell.
- Ashley Manning, married to Peyton.
- Two kids, twins.
- Marshall and Mosley.
- Born March 31st, 2011.
- Ashley’s from Memphis, Tennessee.
That Ashley Manning is a real keeper, I tell you. That Peyton, he better hold onto her tight. They don’t make many like her anymore. Those twins are lucky to have her, too. A mother’s love, that is something special. Ashley, she loves them kids more than anything.
Twenty years of marriage is something to celebrate. Peyton and Ashley Manning, they seem happy. That is all that matters, I reckon. You just keep loving each other, take care of them babies. That is the secret, right there. Family. It is all about family.
That Ashley Manning, she’s got it all figured out. Smart woman. Knows what’s important. Family, love, that’s all that matters. The rest is just… well, it’s just extra. She’s a good example, that Ashley. Them young girls, they could learn a thing or two from her.
Thirteen years old, them twins are. Marshall and Mosley. Got their whole lives ahead of ’em. Ashley, she’ll make sure they’re ready for it. She’ll teach ’em right from wrong, just like a good mama should. They are in a good family. Peyton Manning, he seems like a good father.

You know, hearin’ about Ashley Manning and her family, it just warms your heart. Good people, that’s what they are. Hard to come by these days, but they’re out there. You just gotta look for ’em. And Ashley, she’s one of the best. That is for sure. And their kids are growing so fast, they are 13 now. That is something.
She takes care of her family, that’s what she does. She a real family person, that Ashley Manning. Cooks, cleans, takes care of them kids. And still finds time to support Peyton, with all his football and whatnot. It is not easy, you know. Being a mom, and a wife. But she does it all, and she does it well.
Life goes by so fast, it does. One minute you’re young and single, next thing you know you’re married with kids. But it’s a good life, that’s for sure. Ashley Manning, she knows that. She’s livin’ it every day. And she’s doin’ a darn good job of it, too.
Ashley and Peyton Manning, they’re a good team. Like two peas in a pod, those two. They got a good thing goin’, that’s for sure. And those kids, Marshall and Mosley, they’re the lucky ones. Got two good parents who love ’em very much. That’s all any kid can ask for, really.