Okay, so, I’ve been digging into this whole “average PGA swing speed” thing lately, and man, it’s a rabbit hole. I started out just wanting to see how my own pitiful swing stacked up against the pros, you know? Figured it’d be a good laugh.

First, I grabbed my driver and headed to the local driving range. Warmed up with a few stretches, feeling like a real athlete for once. Then, I started hitting some balls. I tried to use one of those speed tracker things, the ones that tell you all the fancy numbers.
My first few swings? Let’s just say they weren’t exactly setting the world on fire. I struggled to even get close to 100 mph. Felt pretty humbled, to be honest. But I kept at it, swinging and swinging, trying to find that perfect balance between power and, well, not completely whiffing the ball.
After a bucket of balls and a whole lot of sweat, I managed to get a few swings in the 90s. Still nowhere near the pros, but hey, it was progress! I was super proud of myself!
Then, I dove into some research online. I found out that the average PGA Tour swing speed is somewhere between 110 and 124 mph. Some of those guys are hitting it over 125 mph. That is crazy! And get this, the average at the end of the 2022-2023 season was around 115.80 mph. They’re crushing it almost 300 yards a drive. My best drives barely make it to 200, maybe 220 if I really catch one clean. This is so far away from them!
- I learned that even the pros could probably swing faster.
- But, they choose not to because it would mess with their accuracy.
- Makes sense, right? It’s all about hitting the fairway, not just bombing it into the woods.
So, what did I take away from all this? Well, I’m definitely not a PGA Tour pro, not even close. But, I realized that swing speed isn’t everything. I can still enjoy the game and work on my own swing, even if it’s not lightning fast. I decided that this was not a bad way to spend the day. Besides, it’s way more fun being out on the course than sitting behind a desk, am I right?
Plus, I can use this as motivation to keep practicing and get better. Maybe one day I’ll crack that 100 mph mark. Who knows? But for now, I’m happy to just be out there, enjoying the game and trying my best. There is always another day!
One thing I found is there is an average swing speed chart by handicap for male golfers. So if I can get my handicap down, I should see my speed go up a bit!
In the end, I found this to be fun. I learned a lot about my own game and had a great time sharing the information with you all. I hope you found it as interesting as I did!