Okay, here’s my attempt at a blog post, following all your instructions:

So, I wanted to really dig into this whole Ben Johnson, Lions offensive coordinator thing. I’d heard a lot of buzz, you know, and figured I should see what the fuss was all about. I decided to get hands-on, as I always do with these things. So I started by pulling up a bunch of game film. No shortcuts here, just straight to the source.
First thing, I needed some way to organize my thoughts. Just watching games randomly wasn’t gonna cut it. I opened up a simple text document – nothing fancy, just somewhere to jot down notes as I watched. You could use, like, a notebook, or whatever, it’s basically your personal notepad for the observations. I did what I always do, and used my pc.
Getting into the Film
Then I dove into the games. I started with some recent Lions games, focusing on plays where the offense was really clicking. I’m talking touchdowns, big gains, that sort of stuff. I’d watch a play, pause it, rewind it, and watch it again. I was really trying to get a feel for what Johnson was doing differently.
- Play 1: Noticed how the offensive line was pulling.
- Play 2: Saw a clever use of pre-snap motion.
- Play 3: Quarterback made a great read on the defense.
I kept going, watching more and more games. It’s easy to get lost, it is a rabbit hole, I spent hours! I was building up a picture in my head, and in my notes, of Johnson’s style. I moved on to not-so-good plays too, when the offense sputtered. What’s the deal there, I thought to myself. I tried, best I could to figure out, the common threads, what was leading to success and what was causing problems.
It’s not just about watching, though. It’s about actively thinking. “Why did they run that play there?” “What was the defense trying to do?” “How did the Lions adjust?” That’s the stuff I was trying to nail down. Like I said, at the end of the day, I may not be a pro football analyst, but I do like to use my brain and put some effort and thought into things, and this is what I came up with.
After doing all this, I felt like I had a much better handle on this guy’s approach. It was a good, solid deep dive. Time consuming, sure, but that’s how you really learn, you know? You don’t just read something on the internet, you actually go and experience it for yourself. That’s my takeaway for anyone.