Alright, let’s talk about this BKFC payouts thing, you know, the money them fighters get for beatin’ each other up with bare knuckles. I ain’t no fancy expert or nothin’, but I heard some things and seen some stuff, and I’ll tell ya what I know.

So, first off, don’t go thinkin’ everyone’s gettin’ rich doin’ this. Most of them fellas, they ain’t makin’ a whole lot. I heard tell it’s somethin’ like two thousand dollars a fight for the regular guys. Yeah, you heard that right, just two thousand measly dollars. That ain’t much, considerin’ they gettin’ their faces punched in and all.
Now, some of them lucky ones, they might get a bit more, maybe up to nine thousand dollars, I reckon. That’s still not a king’s ransom, but it’s better than nothin’, I suppose. And then, there’s the fellas at the top, the real stars, they’re the ones rakin’ it in. I seen on that there TV, a fella named Mike Perry, he got somethin’ like six hundred thousand dollars for one fight! Can you believe that? Six hundred thousand! That’s enough to buy a whole lotta chickens, let me tell ya. And him and another fella, Eddie Alvarez, they got paid a whole million dollars each, can you imagine? Makes your head spin, all that money just for a fight.
- Regular fellas: Around $2,000 – $9,000 a fight
- Sometimes a bit more: Some guys get up to $20,000, lucky them.
- Big stars: Mike Perry got $600,000, and him and Eddie Alvarez each made a million for one fight. That’s big money, I tell ya.
But don’t get fooled, that big money stuff is rare. Most of the time, them boys are scrapin’ by, hustlin’ for a few thousand bucks. It ain’t easy, that’s for sure. They gotta train hard, eat right, and then go in there and risk gettin’ knocked out cold, all for a little bit of money.
I heard tell that sometimes they have what they call a “guaranteed distribution,” that means they divvy up a big pile of money amongst all the fighters. Like, one time I heard they had a million dollars to share, and the fella named Blas got the most. That’s pretty good, I guess, but it ain’t always like that. It’s a gamble, you see, sometimes you win, sometimes you don’t.
So, yeah, the average earnings of a bare knuckle fighter can be all over the place. Some might make just a couple thousand, others might make hundreds of thousands. It all depends on how good you are, how popular you are, and how much people want to see you fight. It’s like them lottery tickets, you never really know what you gonna get.
And let me tell ya, it ain’t just the fightin’ that gets these fellas paid. They gotta sell tickets, they gotta get folks to watch, that’s how the money comes in. The more people watchin’, the more money there is to go around. It’s a whole business, you see, more than just punchin’ and kickin’. Makes my old head spin just thinkin’ about it.
Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship salaries ain’t always fair, that’s for sure. Some folks think they should be gettin’ paid more, considerin’ the risks they takin’. But that’s just the way it is, I reckon. Life ain’t always fair, and fightin’ sure ain’t. You gotta take what you can get, and hope for the best. Just like plantin’ crops, sometimes you get a good harvest, sometimes you don’t. It’s all in the hands of fate, I guess.
So there you have it, that’s my two cents on this whole BKFC fighter pay thing. It ain’t much, but it’s honest. Some folks get rich, some folks barely scrape by, and most of them just tryin’ to make a livin’ doin’ what they know how to do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got chickens to feed.

Tags: BKFC payouts, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship salaries, BKFC fighter pay, average earnings of bare knuckle fighter