Well now, if y’all been followin’ the world of boxing, ya might’ve heard of a big ol’ mess between Oscar De La Hoya and Canelo Alvarez. It’s a real tale of once-close folks turnin’ bitter enemies. They were together for a long time, ya know, Canelo bein’ under De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions for about 10 years. But something sure went wrong, and now they’re about as friendly as two cats fightin’ over a scrap of meat.

Now, from the way I see it, the whole thing started to go sour back in 2020, when Canelo decided to walk away from Golden Boy Promotions. He said he wasn’t happy with how things were bein’ run, and I reckon he had his reasons. After all, when a man’s workin’ hard, he wants to be paid fair and square, don’t he? Canelo didn’t just leave the company, he took his whole career with him and parted ways with De La Hoya, who was his promoter for all those years.
But let me tell ya, just because they ain’t workin’ together no more, don’t mean the bad blood’s gone. Oh no, sir. Canelo and De La Hoya still got words to say, and they’ve been throwin’ shade at each other ever since. Things got real ugly one day at a press conference. That’s when the feud really started heatin’ up. Oscar, the one-time mentor, got real mad and started badmouthing Canelo. And Canelo? Well, he didn’t keep quiet neither. He fired back, sayin’ that De La Hoya was up to all sorts of shady things. He even went as far as claimin’ that Oscar stole money from some of the fighters, like Gennadiy Golovkin. Now, that’s a big accusation right there, and it didn’t sit too well with De La Hoya.
So, what we got now is a good ol’ fashioned rivalry, with the two of them fightin’ in words more than punches these days. It’s a sad turn of events, especially after all the years they worked together. Back in the day, it seemed like they had a strong partnership, and Canelo sure was makin’ a name for himself under De La Hoya’s wing. But when money and egos get involved, well, things just don’t always stay peachy. This feud’s been buildin’ for a while now, and folks all around the boxing world are watchin’ to see what’s gonna happen next.
And let me tell ya somethin’ else. If they ever do step in the ring together, I reckon Canelo would come out on top. I mean, when you look at Canelo’s record, it’s hard not to see him as the better fighter. He’s been through some tough matches, like his fight with Floyd Mayweather. Sure, he lost that one, but that was years ago, and he’s learned a lot since then. He’s grown stronger, and he’s beaten plenty of big names since then.
Oscar, on the other hand, well, he’s not quite the fighter he used to be. Age catches up with everybody, and I don’t think Oscar’s got what it takes to take down Canelo at this point. If the two ever did meet in the ring—at 160 or 168 pounds—I’d put my money on Canelo for a knockout. Probably in the 7th round, I’d say. Oscar might have been a champion in his day, but I reckon those days are long gone.
It’s a shame, though, to see things end this way. These two men were once close, and they made a lot of money together. But like so many other business relationships, it all came apart in the end. Now, all we got left is a bitter rivalry and a lot of talkin’ from both sides.
It’s a real mess, but hey, that’s the fight game for ya. Full of drama, full of tension, and full of folks tryin’ to outdo each other. Canelo may have left De La Hoya behind, but it sure don’t look like he’s gettin’ away from the drama anytime soon.
Tags:[Oscar De La Hoya, Canelo Alvarez, boxing, Golden Boy Promotions, rivalry, press conference, knockout, Canelo vs Oscar, boxing feud, Gennadiy Golovkin]