Well now, let me tell ya, I ain’t no expert or nothin’, but I do know a bit ’bout them vitamins. Now, there’s a fella named Skier in that game, Escape From Tarkov. If you don’t know ‘im, he’s one of them folks you gotta help out with a task, and let me tell ya, it ain’t as easy as it sounds. But we’ll get through it, don’t you worry none.

So this here task, it’s called “Vitamins – Part 1.” Now, when Skier gives ya the job, he wants you to go out there and fetch some of them fancy vitamins. You ain’t gonna find ’em just anywhere, no sir. They’re scattered all over the place, and you gotta know where to look. It’s not like you can just pop into the store and pick ’em up, like you’d grab a loaf of bread. Nope. These ones are hidden, and they ain’t exactly waitin’ around for you to come by and say hello.
First thing, you gotta understand what Skier wants. You gotta go to a few places, different locations, and find them vitamins. Now, I ain’t talkin’ about them little bottles you might have in your medicine cabinet at home. Nope. These are special ones, ones that are in the game world. These vitamins are located in places like them supply crates, on shelves in places like the Interchange map, and sometimes even in the hands of other players, if they’ve got ‘em.
Where to Look:
- Interchange – If you head to this map, keep your eyes peeled, ’cause them vitamins are tucked away in all sorts of spots. Might find ’em in them shops or under the counter. Ain’t too hard to spot, but you gotta keep watch for other folks who might want ‘em too.
- Customs – This is another place where you might find them vitamins, but it’s a bit more dangerous. You’ll find ‘em in different crates and bags, and sometimes on them desks or shelves if you know where to look.
- Other places – You might find ‘em in other spots too, but I reckon these two maps are the main ones you’ll be hunting on for the vitamins.
Now, you can’t just wander around all willy-nilly thinkin’ you’ll stumble upon ‘em by accident. You gotta keep your wits about ya and remember what you’re lookin’ for. Skier don’t care if you’re tired or hungry, he just wants them vitamins. And once you’ve got ‘em, well, then comes the next part: makin’ it back safe. That’s always the tricky part, ain’t it? I tell ya, sometimes the hardest part ain’t gettin’ the stuff, it’s gettin’ out of there alive.
Now, once you hand them vitamins over to Skier, you’ll get yourself a nice little reward. Now, I don’t know exactly what it’s gonna be, ‘cause sometimes it changes, but I can tell ya this much: it ain’t gonna be nothin’ to sneeze at. Skier’s a tough one, but he knows how to take care of his friends, and that means you’ll get some good stuff once you help him out with this task. Might even help you with the next one too, so don’t be shy about grabbin’ them vitamins when you get the chance.
But let me tell ya, you gotta be careful. Sometimes other players are lookin’ for the same thing, and that’s when it gets real messy. So, you best be ready for a fight, and make sure you know how to get out of there before someone else makes you their next target. You don’t want to be caught holdin’ vitamins when you’ve got a bullet in your back, trust me on that one.

- Keep an eye on your surroundings. Don’t let them other players catch ya off guard.
- Know the map. The more you know where you’re going, the quicker you can get in and out without gettin’ caught up in a firefight.
- If you can, try to team up with someone else. It’s always better to go with a buddy, especially when you’re huntin’ for something important like vitamins.
So, to sum it up, getting them vitamins for Skier ain’t gonna be no walk in the park, but with a bit of luck and a lot of caution, you’ll get the job done. Keep your head down, know where to look, and don’t forget: the task ain’t over till you’re back safe with them vitamins in hand.
Tags:[Escape From Tarkov, Skier task, vitamins part 1, Interchange, Customs, gaming tips, Tarkov tasks, survival games]