Alright, let’s talk about this Antonio Brown and his kids. I heard folks gossiping, so I figured I’d spill the beans, you know, like we do back home.

Antonio Brown, that football fella, well, he’s got a whole bunch of young’uns. Last I heard, it was seven! Can you imagine? Seven little mouths to feed. My goodness, that’s a lot of mouths.
- He’s got four boys, yeah, four of ‘em. Boys are trouble, I tell ya. Always running around, getting into everything.
- And then there’s the girls, two of them little darlings. Girls are different, you know? A bit sweeter, maybe, but they can be handful too.
Now, these kids, they ain’t all from the same mama. That’s what I heard, anyways. He’s got three boys and a girl with this Chelsie Kyriss woman. Autonomy, that’s what they call one of them. Fancy name, huh? Don’t know what that means, but it sounds important.
And then, there’s these other kids, two more of ’em, from two other women. Folks say he’s never been married, not officially anyway. Just having kids left and right, like he’s planting seeds in a field, you know? That’s what men do, I guess. Sometimes it just happens. Just pop out.
One of his oldest, a girl named Antanyiah, she was born way back in 2008. That makes her a grown woman almost! Time flies, don’t it? Seems like just yesterday I was holding my own babies, and now they’re all grown up and causing their own kind of trouble.
And get this, just this year, in 2024, he had another baby boy with some model named Cydney Moreau. They put it all over the internet, pictures and everything. Said they love him so much. Well, I hope they do. Kids need love, that’s for sure. They ain’t playthings, you know? Gotta raise ’em right, teach ‘em right from wrong.
So, let’s see, that’s, three with Chelsie, and two others, and then that new baby… that makes seven, right? Lord, I can’t keep track. Too many kids, if you ask me. But that’s his business, I guess. Not my place to judge, even though I am judging a little, ain’t I?
This Antonio Brown, he’s always in the news for one thing or another, mostly football stuff, but sometimes it’s about his kids. I don’t pay much attention to the football, to be honest. Too much running around for my liking. But the kids, well, that’s something different. Kids are important. They’re the future, ain’t they? Gotta make sure they’re taken care of.
I hear he’s got a cousin who plays football too, Marquise Brown. And another one, Kenbrell Thompkins. Seems like football runs in the family. Maybe some of Antonio’s kids will be football players too. Who knows? Only time will tell.

But seven kids! That’s a lot, even for a rich fella like him. I mean, kids are expensive, right? Clothes, food, school… it all adds up. And then there’s the time. You gotta spend time with them, teach them things. It ain’t enough to just give ‘em money. They need a daddy, not just a checkbook.
Anyway, that’s what I know about Antonio Brown and his kids. A whole bunch of ‘em, from different mamas. He’s a busy man, I reckon. And those mamas, bless their hearts, they got their hands full. Raising kids is hard work, the hardest work there is, I always say. But it’s worth it, too. Kids are a blessing, even if they do drive you crazy sometimes. They make you laugh, they make you cry, they make you feel alive. And that’s what matters, ain’t it?
So, there you have it. The story of Antonio Brown and his seven kids, as far as I know it. Don’t go quoting me on it, though, ’cause I might have got some details wrong. But that’s the gist of it, you know? A whole lotta kids, a whole lotta drama, and a whole lotta life. Just like it is for a lot of folks, just maybe a little more public, you know? And a little bit richer, I bet.
But money ain’t everything, and kids sure aren’t cheap. I hope he remembers that and takes care of all them young’uns, that’s all I’m saying. Someone’s got to care and a mother can only do so much, even though we are strong and all, still there is only so much one person can do. Kids need two parents, if they can. That’s just my opinion, though.
Anyway, I’m done talking about this Antonio fella. Got my own chores to do. Gotta go make some supper. Hope them kids get a good meal tonight, all of ‘em.