Alright, let’s talk about this fella, Hroniss Grasu. Sounds like a fancy name, don’t it? Don’t know much about fancy names myself, but I heard some things about him.

So, this Hroniss fella, he’s married to a basketball player. A woman, mind you. Sabrina Ionescu, that’s her name. Heard she’s pretty good at tossin’ that ball around. He goes to her games and cheers her on, like a good husband should. Even went to see her play against some fella named Steph Curry. Big deal, I guess. Folks get all riled up about basketball these days.
- He’s married to Sabrina Ionescu.
- He watches her basketball games.
- They seem happy enough.
Now, where’s this fella from? Romania, they say. His folks, they up and left Romania a long time ago, came to America. Started a pizza place, can you believe it? Greco’s New York Pizzeria, right there on Hollywood Boulevard. Hollywood! Never been there myself. Too much hustle and bustle for an old woman like me.
He’s got a brother too. Kicked a football for some college team. Washington State, I think. Football’s a rough game. All that runnin’ and smashin’ into each other. Don’t understand it myself.
This Hroniss, he went to college too. Same place as his wife, but not at the same time. Met her at some alumni thing. A “love story,” they call it. Well, I guess that’s how young folks meet these days. Back in my time, you just met someone at the town square or the church social.
He plays football too, this Hroniss. American football, not that soccer stuff. Played for the Las Vegas Raiders, they say. Don’t know much about football teams, but the Raiders sound tough. He’s a free agent now, though. Means he don’t have a team, I reckon. Maybe he’s too old, or maybe he got hurt. Football players get hurt all the time. It’s a dangerous game, I tell ya.
He asked that basketball gal to marry him. She said yes. They got hitched not too long ago, in March. Good for them. Hope they’re happy. Marriage ain’t easy, no matter who you are or what you do.
So, that’s about all I know about this Hroniss Grasu fella. Seems like a decent enough young man. Supports his wife, comes from a hard-workin’ family, and played a bit of football. Can’t ask for much more than that, I suppose. He likes tequila too, they say, whatever that is! Folks these days with their fancy drinks. I’ll stick to my good ol’ lemonade.
Anyways, he seems like a alright guy even though I don’t know him from Adam. He seems to be successful and that’s good for him. If he treats his wife well then that’s all that matters ain’t it?

This fella, Grasu seems to love his wife lots. Always cheering her on and all. It’s good to see young people in love and happy. Makes an old lady’s heart happy. That’s the story of this Hroniss, nothing more to it. He is just a regular fella who happens to be married to a famous basketball player.
He loves his wife and he is good at what he does. End of story, nothing special, just a good young fella, that is Hroniss, from what I know.
Tags: [Hroniss Grasu, Sabrina Ionescu, NFL, Las Vegas Raiders, Football, Basketball, Marriage, Romania, Greco’s New York Pizzeria, University of Oregon]