Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Bibi Jones gal. I heard tell of her on the radio, or maybe it was the TV, can’t rightly remember. Anyways, they said she was on some jungle show, you know, the kind where they make folks eat bugs and stuff. Crazy, I tell ya, absolutely crazy! Who in their right mind would wanna do somethin’ like that? But I guess some folks like the attention, or maybe they just need the money.

They said she got voted to do all sorts of nasty things, seven times they said! Seven! Can you imagine? Makes my stomach churn just thinkin’ ’bout it. And they had some fancy word for gettin’ outta there, “breakfree words” they called ’em. Sounded like somethin’ outta a book, if you ask me.
Now, this Bibi Jones, she’s a young’un, born in ’91 they say, in some place called Oklahoma City. Never been there myself, but I hear it’s a big place. Probably full of cars and noise, not like it is ’round here. Anyways, they say she’s a DJ, plays music on the radio. Don’t know what kind of music, though. Probably not the good ol’ country tunes I like.
- Born: July 23, 1991
- From: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
- Job: Radio DJ
Seems like folks are awful interested in her life, wantin’ to know everything ’bout her. They got these “biographies” they call ’em, tellin’ ya how tall she is, and all sorts of other things that ain’t nobody’s business, if you ask me. But I guess that’s how things are these days. Everyone wants to know everyone else’s business.
They even got pictures and videos of her, though I ain’t seen none myself. Too busy tendin’ to my garden and chickens to be lookin’ at pictures of some gal on the internet. But my niece showed me a bit on her phone, Bibi Jones was smilin’ and wavin’ at the camera. Seemed nice enough, I guess, though I still don’t understand why she’d wanna eat bugs on TV.
Folks write all sorts of things ’bout her, too. “News and commentary” they call it. Mostly just gossip, if you ask me. People always like to talk, don’t they? Specially when they ain’t got nothin’ better to do. They talk about her “top tracks,” whatever that means, and show videos of her doin’ Lord knows what.
She’s got folks followin’ her on somethin’ called “social media.” Hundreds of ’em, they say. I don’t get it, myself. Why would you wanna follow someone you don’t even know? Seems like a waste of time to me. But then again, I’m just an old woman who likes her quiet life. Don’t need all that fancy technology and whatnot.
All this fuss over a young gal who plays music and eats bugs on TV. It’s a strange world we live in, that’s for sure. But I guess as long as she ain’t hurtin’ nobody, she can do what she pleases. Still, I can’t help but shake my head and wonder what folks will think of next. Maybe they’ll start eatin’ rocks or somethin’. Wouldn’t surprise me none.
Anyways, that’s all I know ’bout this Bibi Jones. Seems like a lot of fuss over nothin’ much, if you ask me. But then again, I’m just an old woman who likes her quiet life. Don’t pay much attention to all this celebrity nonsense. Give me a good cup of coffee and a sunny day in the garden any time.

Tags: [Bibi Jones, Radio DJ, Oklahoma City, Jungle Show, Biography, News, Commentary, Social Media]