Man, you won’t believe what I did today. I got totally sucked into this whole golf handicap thing, specifically about Tiger Woods. You know, the golf legend? At first, I was like, “Handicap? What’s that all about?” I mean, I’ve seen golf on TV, and I know it’s a tough game, but I never really thought about how they make it fair for everyone.

So, I started digging around. Turns out, a golf handicap is basically a number that shows how good a golfer is. The lower the number, the better the player. It’s a way to even the playing field when people with different skill levels play together. I even thought that the pros, like Tiger Woods, wouldn’t even have one of them. But guess what? They do. At least they kind of do, it is an unofficial one.
I spent hours reading articles and watching videos. I learned that in the early days, when he was still a young prodigy, it was estimated that his handicap might have been around +8! Can you believe that? That’s insane! And when he was at his peak, some folks even speculated it might have been more than +9. I had to watch the highlights of some of the games he played during that time. What a blast!
Then, I found this one piece that said his current handicap index, if he had one, would be around +6.5. Obviously, it is not as high as before, but it is still a very impressive number. Honestly, I used to think that I was good at golf, because I could hit the ball pretty far, but after learning all this, I feel like a total newbie.
The whole process was a real eye-opener. I always thought golf was just about hitting the ball as far as you can. But it’s way more complicated than that. I ended up spending the whole afternoon practicing my swing in the backyard. My neighbor probably thinks I’ve lost it, but I don’t even care. I’m determined to get better at this game.
- Got curious about Tiger Woods’ golf handicap.
- Searched a ton of stuff online about golf handicaps in general.
- Watched a bunch of videos. Some were about how to calculate handicaps, some were old Tiger Woods matches.
- Felt totally humbled by how good these pro golfers are.
- Spent the rest of the day trying to improve my own pathetic swing.
Here’s what I did today, step-by-step:
Anyway, that’s my golf adventure for the day. It might not seem like much, but it was a big deal for me. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be good enough to have a handicap I’m proud of. A guy can dream, right?