Alright, so you wanna know how many times this fella, Hasan, got the boot from that Twitch thingy? It’s a bit of a mess, but I’ll tell ya what I heard.

First off, this Hasan guy, he’s one of them talky fellas on the internet. Like them radio people, but on the computer. He talks about politics and stuff. Folks say he’s one of them “progressive” fellas, a “leftist,” whatever that means. Sounds like he likes things new-fangled, not like us old timers, you know? He’s got this nephew, works with him, I think.
- They say he got banned ’cause of some “copyright” thing. Like, he used somebody else’s stuff without askin’, I reckon. That happened once for sure.
- Then there was that time he said a bad word. Not like cussin’, but a word they don’t like on that Twitch. Something about crackers? I don’t know, sounds like something you eat with cheese to me. But they got real mad at him for that, gave him a long ban.
- And just recently, they kicked him off again. This time, it wasn’t so long, just two days. Seems like he’s always steppin’ on toes, this fella.
So, if you’re countin’, that’s at least three times, maybe four. It’s hard to keep track, you know? These internet folks, they do things fast, ban folks left and right. One time they banned him for only two days. It ain’t like the old days when you knew where you stood.
Now, why does this Hasan keep gettin’ banned? Well, like I said, he talks about politics. And some folks, they don’t like what he says. They complain, they report him, and then Twitch, they gotta do somethin’. It’s like when the kids get too rowdy in the yard, you gotta send ’em inside.
There was this one time, I heard, this Hasan fella had somebody on his show, talkin’ about stuff they didn’t know nothin’ about. This person was talking about trans folks. And folks got real upset. They said he shouldn’t have had that person on, ’cause they were sayin’ mean things. I don’t understand all of that, it’s new stuff.
And then there’s this other fella, Destiny, they call him. He and Hasan, they argue a lot. Like cats and dogs, I tell ya. They have these “debates,” they call ’em. But it just sounds like yellin’ to me. And after one of these yelling matches, Hasan just up and quit his show. Didn’t even say goodbye, just shut it down. Then Destiny, he started his own show, talkin’ about how Hasan was wrong. It’s all a bit silly if you ask me.
Some folks say Hasan ain’t been doin’ so good lately. He ain’t as popular as he used to be. Maybe that’s why he’s gettin’ banned more, ’cause he’s tryin’ to get folks to watch him. Like a kid throwin’ a tantrum, you know? Gotta get attention somehow.
So, there ya have it. Hasan’s been banned a few times, for different reasons. Copyright, bad words, arguin’ too much. It’s hard to keep up, but that’s the gist of it. He seems like a troublemaker, that Hasan fella. But then again, maybe that’s what folks want these days. Someone to stir things up, make a fuss. I don’t know, I just like to sit on my porch and watch the birds, myself. All this internet stuff, it’s too much for an old lady like me.
But from what I gather, this young fella got banned at least three times, maybe even four, like I said. It’s hard to say for sure. Seems like he keeps getting himself into trouble with them internet rules, always saying stuff that somebody don’t like. But the thing is, he keeps coming back. So, maybe getting banned ain’t so bad after all. Gets folks talkin’ about ya, don’t it? Just like I’m doin’ now. See? That’s how they do things these days.

Anyway, that’s the story as I heard it. Take it with a grain of salt, you hear? Folks on the internet, they like to exaggerate.
Tags:HasanAbi, Twitch Ban, Streaming, Political Streamer, Controversy, Destiny, Copyright Strike, Social Media