That Jason Kelce, he sure is a big shot in the football world. I hear folks talking about his salary all the time, like it’s the most important thing. Well, money ain’t everything, but it sure helps, I reckon. He plays for that Philadelphia Eagles team, you know the one with the green. They say he’s the best center, whatever that means. I just know he’s a big fella, and he gets paid a whole heap of money to play that game.

Now, I heard he signed some paper with the Eagles, a contract they call it. They talk about millions like it’s pocket change. I heard one time it was $9,000,000, can you believe that? Nine million dollars! For one year! What’s the world coming to? That’s more money than I’ve seen in my whole life, put together a hundred times. And that’s just one year, just a short time. Then I heard it’s even bigger, like 14 million something, my memory ain’t what it used to be. But it’s a lot, I can tell you that. They say it’s guaranteed, meaning he gets it no matter what. Shoot, I wish I had that kind of guarantee with my crops.
- He got a big pile of money just for signing that paper, a bonus, they call it. Like $10 million or something.
- Then he gets some more money just for being on the team, a base salary, I think. That’s over a million.
- All told, it comes out to a whole lot more than most folks make in a lifetime.
I heard he’s the highest-paid center in the whole dang league. That means he makes more money than anyone else who does what he does. He must be real good at it, I suppose. He’s been playing for the Eagles for a long time now, over ten years I believe. That’s a long time to be doing anything, especially something as rough as football. He must really love that game. Or maybe he just loves the money, who knows?
They say he’s worth a lot of money now, even outside of football. $50 million is what I heard. He’s got that podcast thing, “New Heights” they call it. Sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me, but folks seem to like it. And he’s gonna be on ESPN now, talking about football. I guess he’s got the gift of gab, along with being a good football player. I don’t understand how he got all that money. It is really crazy. He was doing good in the NFL, he got so many money, like, $82 million. That is a lot of money for a lifetime. Oh, my god, that is a crazy number, so crazy.
And his brother, Travis, he’s a football player too. I think he plays for Kansas City, if I got that right. He ain’t doing too bad himself, that Travis. He make a lot of money, too. He also got a lot of money, like, $76 million. He is not a center, I don’t know what they call that. He got $17 million or something each year. He made a lot of money, too. It seems like a lot of money for people who play football. Those two boys, they sure did hit the jackpot, didn’t they? Must be nice to have that kind of money. I can’t even imagine what I’d do with it all.
Back in 2011, when he was a little younger, I heard he signed another one of those contracts. Four years, they said. Not as much money as these days, but still a good chunk of change. Something like $2 million. I was just a young’un myself back then, but I remember folks talking about it. He’s been making good money for a long time now, that Jason Kelce. Now it’s like $14 million something each year, big salary. He must be doing something right, I guess. He is just a human, but, why he can get so much money? I really don’t understand. Maybe that is just life.
I don’t know all the details of these contracts, all that signing bonus and roster bonus stuff. It’s all a bunch of mumbo jumbo to me. But I know this much: that Jason Kelce is one rich fella. And he got that way playing a game. It’s a funny old world, ain’t it?
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about Jason Kelce’s salary. It’s more than I’ll ever see, that’s for sure. But I’m happy with what I got. I got my health, my family, and a roof over my head. And that’s worth more than all the money in the world, if you ask me. But, it’s still crazy that he got so much money.