Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this Josh McCown fella. He’s been around the block a few times, that one. Played for more teams than I can count on my fingers and toes, I reckon.

They say he’s coaching for the Minnesota Vikings now. Quarterbacks coach, fancy that! He used to be a quarterback himself, you know. A journeyman, they called him. Means he moved around a lot, like a tumbleweed in the wind.
I heard he made a whole heap of money playin’ football. Fifty-two million dollars, can you believe that? More money than I’ve seen in my whole life! And he’s only, what, 44? Still a young’un in my book.
- He played for 12 teams, 12!
- Earned 52.3 million, my oh my!
- Now a coach, teachin’ the young’uns.
He had a son, too. Owen somethin’. Played quarterback for some college team. Lost to another team, sounds like. Well, that’s football for ya. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Just gotta keep your chin up and keep going.
Josh McCown had a brother, too, I believe. Luke, was it? He played football too, back in the day. Both of ’em started on the same day once. First time since 2007, someone said. Must have been quite a day for the McCown family.
Seems like Josh McCown had some back trouble. Had surgery, they said. Successful, thank goodness. Back problems are no joke, let me tell you. I’ve had my share of aches and pains, and it ain’t pretty. He’s up and coaching now though.
He’s been playing football for 16 seasons. That’s a long time to be throwin’ a ball around. Nine different teams, he played for. Chicago Bears, that was one of ’em. Joined ’em back in 2011, someone said. Been around, this one. Lots of experience.
Some folks are sayin’ he might be a head coach someday. Big boss man, you know? For the Bears, even. That would be somethin’, wouldn’t it? Head coach. That’s a big deal. He’s got the smarts for it, I reckon.
I heard he was always a good one, always helpin’ out his coaches. Figurin’ out plays and all that. Seems like he was born to be a coach, maybe. He knows a lot about Josh McCown football.

Now he’s with the Eagles, or was. Might be their quarterback coach or somethin’ called an offensive coordinator. Sounds important. He’ll probably do good, that Josh McCown. He’s a hard worker, I can tell.
They say he’s always smilin’, wearin’ his hat backwards, chewin’ gum. Sounds like a character. Probably keeps things light, keeps the boys on their toes. That’s important, you know. Gotta have a little fun, even when you’re workin’ hard.
He’s a good egg, that Josh McCown. Been around, seen a lot, learned a lot. Now he’s teachin’ the young’uns all he knows. That’s the way it should be. Passin’ down the knowledge, you know? He’s got a lot of Josh McCown quarterback knowledge to share. He had a big Josh McCown contract one time too.
Well, that’s all I know about Josh McCown. Seems like a good fella. Hope he does well in this coachin’ business. It’s a tough job, but I think he’s up for it. He’s got a lot of Josh McCown NFL experience.
He’s come a long way, that one. From playin’ for all those teams to now coachin’ the next generation. It’s a good story, ain’t it? Just goes to show, you never know where life’s gonna take you. You just gotta keep workin’ hard and doin’ your best. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up makin’ 52 million dollars, too! Ha! Wouldn’t that be somethin’?
Anyway, that’s all I got to say about that. Hope you enjoyed my little story. It ain’t fancy, but it’s the truth, as far as I know it. And that’s all that matters, right? Tellin’ the truth and doin’ your best. That’s what my mama always told me, and it’s served me well. Well, time for me to get back to my chores. Got a lot to do around here, you know. Life ain’t all about football, even for a Josh McCown!