So, I was watching Netflix the other day, and I stumbled upon this documentary called “Untold: The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist.” It’s all about this football player, Manti Te’o. I had vaguely heard about this story before, but I didn’t know the details.

Man, this story is wild. Basically, back in the day, Manti Te’o was a big deal in college football. He played for Notre Dame and was a serious Heisman Trophy contender. He was a really good player and people liked him, he seemed like a nice guy. I started to dig into who he was because I only knew a little bit about him.
The documentary showed that while he was playing, he told everyone about this girlfriend he had, Lennay Kekua. He talked about her all the time, how they met, how much he loved her, the whole nine yards. Turns out, she was diagnosed with leukemia, and then, get this, she supposedly died on the same day as Te’o’s grandmother. It was this huge tragic story that got a lot of media attention. Everyone felt sorry for this guy.
Then, some reporters started to look into it. Turns out, Lennay Kekua never existed. She was a completely made-up person. I watched the documentary explain that this whole thing was a catfishing hoax orchestrated by this person named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, who later came out as a transgender woman named Naya Tuiasosopo. I mean, can you believe that? She created this fake online persona and had a whole relationship with Te’o, all without ever meeting him in person.
When the truth came out, it was a huge scandal. People couldn’t believe that Te’o had fallen for it. Some people thought he was in on it, trying to get sympathy or something. But the documentary really paints him as a victim. He was young, naive, and he genuinely believed that this girl was real. I really felt bad for the guy after I finished watching the documentary.
Here are some things I gathered about the whole situation:
- The Hoax Began Early: It seems like this whole thing started way back when Te’o was still pretty early in his college career.
- Media Attention: Te’o’s story about his “girlfriend” and her “death” got a lot of attention from the sports media.
- Investigation: Some reporters started digging and found out that the pictures of Lennay were actually of another woman who had no idea her pictures were being used.
- The Reveal: Deadspin broke the story that Lennay Kekua didn’t exist.
- The Aftermath: Te’o’s reputation took a huge hit, and he went from being a top NFL prospect to a bit of a joke.
It’s a crazy story, right? It just goes to show how easy it is to get caught up in something online that isn’t real. I learned you really have to be careful about who you trust on the internet. It’s a wild world out there.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this story with you guys because it’s just so unbelievable. If you haven’t seen the documentary, you should definitely check it out. It’s a real eye-opener. I thought it was really interesting and I just had to tell someone about it.