Alright, alright, let’s gab a bit about this Connor Wong fella and the folks who brung him up. I ain’t no fancy writer, so don’t expect no flowery words, just plain talk, ya hear?

So, this Connor, plays baseball, right? Catches balls and whatnot for the Red Sox. Now, every young’un has a ma and pa, and this boy’s story is a bit of a… well, a bit mixed up like a bowl of day-old porridge.
First off, there’s this Rick Wong fella. Folks say he’s Connor’s real daddy. A Chinaman, they say, works with buildin’ stuff, an engineer or somethin’. Guess he laid the foundation, so to speak, for young Connor.
Then there’s Rachel. She’s Connor’s ma, the one who carried him and all. But things didn’t quite work out with Rick, it seems. Happens to the best of us, I reckon.
- Rick Wong: Connor’s biological father, a construction engineer.
- Rachel Maysey: Connor’s biological mother.
Now, here’s where it gets a bit twisty. Rachel, she goes and marries another fella, Matt Maysey. He used to throw balls himself, a pitcher in the big leagues, they tell me. So, Matt, he steps in and helps raise Connor, becomes like a second daddy, or maybe even the main daddy, dependin’ on how ya look at it.
It’s kinda like plantin’ a seed, ya know? Rick, he planted the seed, but Matt, he watered it and helped it grow. Both of ’em had a hand in makin’ Connor the ball player he is today.
Matt Maysey, he ain’t just some random fella, mind you. He played the same game as Connor, so he knows the ropes. He probably taught Connor a thing or two, how to throw, how to catch, how to spit sunflower seeds like a pro.
It ain’t easy, this family stuff. Sometimes things get messy, people come and go, but at the end of the day, it’s all about who’s there for ya, who supports ya, who cheers ya on when you’re up at bat.
From what I hear, both Rick and Matt, they’ve been there for Connor. Maybe not always in the same way, but they both cared about him, helped him along. And that’s what matters, ain’t it? Family ain’t always blood, sometimes it’s just folks who love ya and want the best for ya.

So, there ya have it, the story of Connor Wong’s parents, or parent-types, I should say. A bit complicated, maybe, but ain’t most families a little bit complicated? It’s life, ya know? Messy and beautiful all at the same time. Just like a good ol’ baseball game.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say on the matter. Hope it made some sense to ya. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go feed the chickens.
And remember, it ain’t where ya come from, it’s where ya goin’. And seems like Connor Wong is goin’ places, thanks to the folks who helped him get there.
Tags: [Connor Wong, Rick Wong, Rachel Maysey, Matt Maysey, Red Sox, Parents, Family, Baseball, MLB]