That Marcus Semien, he sure is something, huh? I heard folks talking ’bout him, saying he’s a big shot baseball player now. Marcus Semien parents, they must be proud as peacocks.

My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I seen him on that moving picture box, the TV. He’s a good-looking boy, that Marcus. Reminds me of my grandson, always running around and getting into mischief.
Marcus Semien, That Baseball Fella
They say Marcus plays for the Texas Rangers. Now, I don’t know much ’bout baseball, but I know Texas is a big place. Big and hot. Hope he drinks plenty of water out there. Don’t want him getting all dried up like an old prune.
I heard he’s got a family now, a wife and some little ones. Three boys running around, just like their daddy, I bet. It ain’t easy, being out there, playing that game all the time. Gotta be tough on a man, being away from his kin. I don’t know why he has to play, but he’s making money. Lots of money. That Texas Rangers team, they gave him a big pile of cash, I hear. 175 million dollars! Can you believe that?
- He’s got a wife, bless her heart.
- Got three little boys, I hear.
- Just had a little girl, too!
- Plays baseball for the Texas Rangers.
- Makes a whole heap of money.
His parents, they must be bursting with pride. I remember when my own boy started playing that game with the bat and the ball. He wasn’t as good as Marcus, not by a long shot. But I was proud of him just the same. This Marcus Semien father and mother, they raised him right, that’s for sure.
Tracy and Damien, Good Folks
I heard his mama’s name is Tracy White. Sounds like a sweet lady. And his daddy, Damien Semien. A strong name, Damien. Bet he’s a hard worker, just like his son. It takes work to be as good as this boy is. He is so good, I hear, in May, he was player of the month. That is a good thing, yes?
They say this Damien fella, he even came to see Marcus play on Father’s Day. That’s nice, ain’t it? A father and son, sharing that special day. My own boy, he lives far away now. Doesn’t come around much anymore. But that’s alright. He’s got his own life to live.
This Marcus Semien, he’s from San Francisco, they say. That’s a long way from Texas. Must be hard for his folks, him being so far away. But they must be happy for him, living his dream. That’s all a parent wants, ain’t it? For their children to be happy and successful. Even when he’s playing in Texas, he’s still a San Francisco boy at heart.
He used to play for some other teams, too. Some team in Chicago, I think. He was drafted, whatever that means, by the Chicago White Sox. Now he plays second base and shortstop. I don’t know what these things are, but they are important to baseball.

A Big Star, That Marcus
They say he’s a big star now, this Marcus. Makes a lot of money playing that game. Enough to buy a whole farm, I reckon. More than a farm! More than a whole town! But money ain’t everything. It’s good to have a good family, like Marcus does.
September 17, that’s his birthday, someone told me. He’s getting up there in years, but he’s still young. Got a whole life ahead of him. Hope he stays healthy and keeps playing that game. Makes his parents proud, that’s what matters.
I don’t know much about this “minority in this game” stuff, but I heard him say something about that. Sounds like it ain’t always easy for him. But he’s strong, that Marcus. He can handle it. His mama and daddy, Tracy and Damien, they taught him well.
Now they got a new little baby girl. Amelie, they call her. A pretty name. She’s got three big brothers to look after her. This Marcus Semien family, they’re doing alright.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about that Marcus Semien and his parents. He seems like a good boy, and they seem like good folks. Hope they all stay happy and healthy. That’s all that really matters in this life, ain’t it?