Okay, so yesterday I decided to take on this “Pat Patterson” thing. I’d heard the name a few times, and always figured it was some kind of coding challenge or framework, and I thought, you know, why not give it a shot?

I started by Googling the name, just to see what came up. Mostly, I got a bunch of stuff about some wrestler from back in the day. Apparently, this Pat Patterson guy was a pretty big deal in the wrestling world, but that wasn’t what I was looking for. I wanted code, not chokeholds. It was April 1, 2015 and I saw an article from someone called Erik that gave me some more info about the wrestling, but still nothing about coding.
I kept digging, found a Reddit post with, like, 56 upvotes. A bunch of people talking about some guys named Matt and Pat, and how they loved their content. There were 33 comments. Still no closer to code, but it seemed like there was some kind of community around this name. Someone posted “A place where fans of the content that Matt, Pat.” So that gave me some hope.
Then I stumbled upon something that looked promising. It was talking about URL encoding, and how to reverse it. “This task (the reverse of URL encoding…)” Finally, something technical! I felt like I was on the right track. I read through it, trying to understand the process. Basically, it’s about taking a string that’s been encoded for a URL and turning it back into its normal form. Interesting, but not exactly what I had in mind.
Next, I found another Reddit post, this time from a newer fan of something called “the show.” This person was asking about the “greatest moments or bits.” I figured it was worth a shot, maybe someone mentioned something technical in there. I was “looking to catch up on good old clips, storylines.” But nope, just more fan stuff. I mean, it’s cool that people are passionate about this stuff, but I really wanted to get my hands dirty with some code.
At this point, I was getting a little frustrated. I’d been searching for hours, and all I had to show for it was a bunch of wrestling trivia and some vague information about URL encoding. I saw some weird stuff about “torrentgalaxy mx galaxyfence” and something about “Crazy Frog.” What? Then there was something about “2ball 2bthe 2bboys.” It felt like I was going in circles. There was also something about “waptrick” and lyrics. It was getting weird.
Finally, I decided to try a different approach. I started searching for things like “Pat Patterson coding challenge” or “Pat Patterson algorithm.” I figured maybe it was a lesser-known thing, or something that had a different name in the coding community.
After a lot more digging, I realized something, this “Pat Patterson” thing might not be what I thought it was. Maybe it wasn’t a coding challenge or a framework after all. Maybe it was just this wrestler guy, and all the other stuff was just a coincidence. This was so tiring!
So, here’s what I’ve realized:

- First, Pat Patterson was a big shot in wrestling.
- Second, there are some fans of guys named Matt and Pat who make content.
- Third, URL encoding is a thing, and it’s the opposite of decoding.
- Fourth, sometimes, a name is just a name, and it doesn’t always have a hidden meaning.
My conclusion?
I spent a whole day chasing a ghost. I was so sure there was some deep, technical meaning behind “Pat Patterson,” but it turns out it was just a wild goose chase. At the end of the day, I learned a little about wrestling, a little about URL encoding, and a lot about how easy it is to get lost in the internet rabbit hole. I guess the lesson here is, don’t believe everything you think you know, and sometimes the simplest explanation is the right one. And maybe, just maybe, I should stick to coding and leave the wrestling to the professionals.