Okay, here’s my blog post about tracking down PGA Major winners, written in a casual, personal style:

So, I got it into my head the other day that I wanted a quick and easy way to look up all the past winners of golf’s major championships. You know, The Masters, The PGA Championship, The US Open, and The Open Championship (that’s the British one, for us Yanks). I figured, “Hey, there’s gotta be a simple list somewhere online, right?” Wrong!
I started with a simple Google search. Typed in “pga major winners,” expecting a nice, clean table to pop up. Nope. I got a bunch of articles, some news stories, and some partial lists, it has scattered all over the place. It was a mess! No single, definitive source, at least not right there on the first page.I felt so annoyed.
Then I began to browse some sports websites. I figured one of the big ones, like some famous sports website, would have what I needed. I clicked around, got lost in menus and sidebars. Still nothing that jumped out as “Here’s your complete list, buddy!”
Digging Deeper
I decided to refine my search. I’ve got to be clever, I thought to myself.I started searching for each individual tournament. “Masters winners,” “US Open champions,” and so on. This yielded slightly better results, but it was still a pain. I was copying and pasting names from different websites into a notepad, and it has felt really inefficient.
Then I found a good website. It had a pretty comprehensive database of golf results, including major winners. It was a godsend! Finally, the data I craved.
- I started by selecting each major tournament from their dropdown menu.
- Then, I scrolled through the year-by-year results, carefully making notes.
- I double-checked my list against a couple of other sources, just to be sure.
I compiled all the information I found into a simple spreadsheet. Organized it by tournament, then by year. Now I have my own personal cheat sheet for all the PGA Major winners! It took a bit longer than I expected, but hey, I got there in the end. And it’s a good lesson – sometimes you gotta put in the work to get exactly what you want, even in the age of instant information. Now all the winner’s name are at hand for me!