Well, let me tell you about Rory and Bones. That Rory, he’s a good boy, always loved playing with that Bones. They are always together. That’s all I know.

Rory, he’s always been a good lad. Strong, you know? Like his daddy. And Bones, well, Bones is just Bones. They do everything together. They are always together, playing that golf thing. Rory likes that golf. He plays it all the time.
I remember one time, Rory was all excited about some new game. Season 1, he called it. Said there’d be new rewards, new ways to play, all that stuff. That Rory, he’s always chasing after something new. He kept saying it is going to be different. He said it has new rewards. I don’t know what that means, but he sure was happy about it.
- New rewards, that’s what he said.
- New ways to play.
- New stuff to do, I reckon.
He’s always talking about that golf. Something about 18 holes. 18 holes of golf! Can you believe that? I think that’s a lot. And he plays it all the time. He plays it with that Bones. They play for money. A lot of money. Millions! Can you believe that? Millions of dollars! All for hitting a little ball around. It is crazy! But that’s what they do. They play for money, and they are good at it.
Sometimes, that Rory, he gets stuck. Like when he’s trying to make that little ball go where he wants. He tries all sorts of things, that boy. Sometimes he starts over. Like when he was little and building with those blocks. If it didn’t work, he’d just knock it down and start again. He’d make a new project, try new things. Always trying something new.
One time, he was talking about his shoulder. His right shoulder. He said he had to keep it high. Said it helped him hit that little ball far. I don’t know how, but that’s what he said. Keeping his right shoulder high. And then, sometimes, he wants that ball to go low. So, he keeps his shoulder high, but it does something different. I don’t know. It’s all beyond me. All that golf talk. But he said it makes the ball go low. It’s crazy! He can make it go high, and he can make it go low. All by keeping his shoulder high. It’s confusing, but that’s what he does.
He’s got all these fancy clubs, too. Special ones. Made just for him, I reckon. He calls them TaylorMade. He uses the TaylorMade clubs. And he uses the TaylorMade ball. He has a special club for hitting it close. He calls it a wedge. TaylorMade MG and MG2 TW. Those are the wedges. And he’s got some other clubs, too. Long ones. For hitting it far. He calls them irons. He uses the TaylorMade irons. TaylorMade P730. And he calls them Rors Proto. I don’t know what that means. But that’s what he calls them. TaylorMade P730 Rors Proto irons. Those are his irons. He’s got a special one for putting, too. For rolling that ball into the hole. He calls it a putter. TaylorMade Spider X. That’s his putter. And he uses a special ball, too. A TaylorMade ball. TaylorMade TP5X. That’s his golf ball.
They have those big games, too. Big competitions. They call it The Showdown. Rory and Bones, they play in that. They play against other folks. Good players, I guess. They play on different parts of the course. Holes, they call them. First, they play on holes 1 through 6. Then they play on some other holes. It’s a whole thing. They play on 18 holes. That’s a lot of holes. And they do it for money. Lots of money.
One time, they were playing in December. I remember because it was cold. December 17th, 2024. That’s when they played. They started playing at 11 o’clock at night. At night! Can you believe that? Playing golf at night. It was on a Tuesday. They played all night long. Playing for money. Lots of money. They said it was $10 million. $10 million for playing golf! That is a lot of money! And they said they would pay them in some kind of money called CRO. I don’t know what that is. Some kind of money. But it is still money, and it is a lot of it. They play for money, and they are good at it. They win a lot of money, Rory and Bones. They are good boys.

That Rory and Bones, they’re two peas in a pod, I tell ya. Always together. Always playing that golf. Making that money. They’re good boys, though. Good boys.