Well, you know, that Scottie Scheffler boy, he’s got family. Heard folks talkin’ ’bout him all the time, how he plays that golf game. Good for him, I say. But what about his sisters? A body oughta know ’bout a man’s sisters, I reckon.

He’s got three of ’em, that Scottie Scheffler. Three girls. Names are Callie, Molly, and Sara. Sounds like a whole bunch, don’t it? Imagine all that chatterin’ in one house! My goodness, three girls, can you imagine the hair ribbons and dresses all over?
They all played that golf, too, at some point. All of them Scottie Scheffler’s sisters. Just like their brother, whackin’ that little ball around. But that Callie, she really took to it. Went to some fancy college for it, Texas A&M, I think they call it. Big name. She even carried his clubs for him once, at some big-shot tournament. The U.S. Open, they said it was. That musta been somethin’, all them people watchin’.
- Callie, that’s the one who played golf good.
- Molly, she’s another one.
- And Sara, don’t forget Sara.
That’s a lot of Scottie Scheffler sisters. You know, family’s important. Sticks together, helps each other out. Like when you’re makin’ a quilt, gotta have all the pieces to make it whole. This Scottie Scheffler, he seems to understand that. Good boy, that one.
And his wife, that Meredith girl, she seems nice. They knew each other since they was kids. Went to the same school, Highland Park High School. Sounds fancy, don’t it? Then she went off to that same college, Texas A&M. Got herself a learnin’ in business and talkin’. Got a degree, they call it. Works with college kids now, and puts on events, they say. Bet she is good at those things.
And that Meredith and Scottie Scheffler, they got married. Seems like yesterday they was just young’uns, runnin’ around. Now they got a baby! Little boy. Named him Bennett. Cute name, ain’t it?
And here’s a funny thing, that Scottie Scheffler sister, Callie, she had a baby too! Same day as little Bennett! Imagine that! Two babies in the family, born on the same day. That’s somethin’ to talk about, ain’t it? Eight hours apart, they say. That Callie and that Meredith, both with their bellies full, givin’ birth. Lord have mercy, that’s a lot for one family to handle.
So that Scottie Scheffler, he’s a daddy and an uncle, all at once. He’s got his hands full, I bet. Diapers and bottles, and still tryin’ to play that golf. That is his job, you know, the golf. It seems he is good at it, too. Well, he’s got a good family behind him, that’s for sure. Those Scottie Scheffler sisters and that wife of his, they’ll keep him straight.
Scottie Scheffler sisters are important. They are his blood. You know blood is thicker than water. His sisters will always be there for him. No matter what happens.

That Callie, she must be somethin’, playin’ that golf and havin’ a baby. Strong woman. All them Scottie Scheffler sisters probably are. Takes a strong woman to keep up with a brother like that, always in the news, playin’ that golf. Good for them, I say. Good for the whole family.
Family is everything. You gotta stick together, help each other out. That’s what them Scottie Scheffler sisters are doin’, I bet. They seem like good girls. That’s all that matters, ain’t it? Being good people, lovin’ your family. That’s what I always say, anyway.
So yeah, Scottie Scheffler, he’s got three sisters. Callie, Molly, and Sara. And a wife named Meredith. And a new baby boy. And a niece. He’s got a whole lot of family, that boy. And that’s a good thing. A real good thing. You can never have too much family, that is what I always say.
Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say about them Scottie Scheffler sisters. Just remember, family’s important. Don’t you forget it. Family should always be number one.