That Sebastian Korda, he’s a good boy. Play that tennis real good. But you know what folks talk about? Who’s he sweet on? That’s what they wanna know. They say he’s got a girlfriend. A pretty one, too, I hear.

Her name is Ivana. Yeah, that’s it. Ivana Nedved. She ain’t from ’round here, that’s for sure. They say she’s from Italy. That’s a long ways away, ain’t it? I hear she ain’t just a pretty face, neither. They say she’s got some smarts, too.
Ivana Nedved
I heard she done went to school for a long time. They call it college. She learned all about this marketing stuff. Don’t ask me what that is. Somethin’ about sellin’ things, I reckon. She done did that kind of work for some fancy companies. Big names, you know? I don’t remember their names though.
They been together for a spell, that Sebastian Korda and Ivana Nedved. Long time, I hear. That’s nice, ain’t it? Young love. It’s a good thing.
That Sebastian, he’s a tennis player. A good one, too. He hits that little ball real hard. Runs all over the place. I get tired just watchin’ him! He’s famous for playing tennis. Not like he does something useless like the kids these days.
Sebastian Korda’s Tennis
He had some trouble with his elbow though. You know, that part that bends in your arm. They call it “elbow issues.” It seems hurtin’ him for a while. He needed surgery. They did an operation on it. Like fixin’ a busted fence, but it’s his arm instead. Hope he’s doin’ better now.
- He speaks two languages. English, like us. And somethin’ called Czech.
- His mama and daddy, they played tennis, too! His daddy, he was real good. They say he was number two in the whole world! Can you believe that?
- His mama was good, too. Top 30, they say. That’s somethin’, ain’t it?
So, that’s what I know about that Sebastian Korda and his girlfriend, Ivana. They seem like nice folks. She’s a smart cookie, that Ivana. And him, well, he can sure whack a tennis ball!
Sebastian Korda’s Family
I heard his daddy’s name is Petr. Petr Korda. Sounds kinda foreign, don’t it? But they say he was a big shot tennis player. Won that big Australian Open. That’s a big deal, you know. And he was good at doubles, too. That’s when two fellas play together. Teamwork, you see.
And his mama, her name’s Regina. Regina Rajchrtova. Another one of them foreign names. But she was a good player, too. Not as good as his daddy, maybe, but still good. Top 30, like I said before. Must run in the family, that tennis playin’.

Sebastian Korda’s Coach
Now, who’s teachin’ this young Sebastian how to play so good? Well, I heard it’s a fella named Radek. Radek Stepanek. And another fella with almost same name. Martin Stepanek. Sounds like they could be brothers, don’t it? Anyways, this Radek, he used to play tennis, too. Good player, they say. Top 10, even. And get this, Sebastian used to look up to him when he was a little tyke. Now he’s teachin’ him! Ain’t that somethin’?
So that Radek, he’s coachin’ him now. Teachin’ him all the tricks, I reckon. How to hit that ball just right, how to run fast, how to win. It’s a lot of work, playin’ tennis. Not like sittin’ around all day, that’s for sure.
Well, that’s all I know about that Sebastian Korda fella and his girlfriend Ivana Nedved, and his tennis playin’, and his family. It’s a lot to keep track of, ain’t it? But I try my best to keep up with the news. Gotta know what’s goin’ on in the world, even if it’s just about some young fella and his sweetheart.
He’s a good player though. They say he could be one of the best. That’s what they say. That Sebastian Korda girlfriend, she better hang on tight! He might be a big star someday.