Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about these UFC fellas and their quick knockouts. You know, the kind where one minute a fella’s standin’ tall, and the next he’s lyin’ flat on his back lookin’ up at the lights? Yeah, those are somethin’ else.

I heard tell about this fella, Jorge Masvidal. They say he knocked out this other guy, Ben Askren, faster than you can say “Jack Robinson.” Five seconds, that’s all it took. Five measly seconds! Can you believe that? I reckon that’s quicker than it takes me to shoo a fly off my porch in the summertime. UFC 239, that’s what they call the fight. Folks still talkin’ ‘bout it, ya know.
- Masvidal, they say, he just flew at Askren like a rooster in a hen house, all knees and elbows.
- And poor Askren, he didn’t even know what hit him. Just bam! Lights out.
Now, I ain’t no expert on this fightin’ stuff. I mostly watch the chickens peckin’ in the yard. But even I can see that five seconds is mighty fast. It’s like, blink and you miss it. You go to fetch a glass of water, come back, and the whole dang thing’s over. Makes you wonder if these fellas are even human sometimes. They move so fast, it’s like they got the devil in ‘em.
I also heard about this McGregor fella. They say he’s got some fast hands too. Knocked out some fella named Jose Aldo in thirteen seconds. That’s still pretty darn quick, though not as quick as Masvidal, mind you. Thirteen seconds is about how long it takes me to climb the stairs to my bedroom on a good day. These UFC guys, they pack a punch, that’s for sure.
They say UFC stands for somethin’ somethin’ fightin’ championship. Ultimate Fightin’ Championship, I think it is. Well, I reckon they ain’t lyin’. It sure looks ultimate to me. All that punchin’ and kickin’ and grapplin’. It’s enough to make your head spin. I don’t know how they do it, these fellas. Tough as nails, they are.
The fastest UFC knockout ever? Well, I’d say it’s gotta be that Masvidal fella. Five seconds. That’s hard to beat. It’s the blink-of-an-eye kinda knockout, the one that makes ya gasp and say “holy moly!” It’s the kinda thing you tell your grandkids about. “I saw that,” you’ll say. “I saw that fella get knocked out in five seconds flat.” And they’ll look at you with their big eyes, all amazed.
Fast knockouts, they’re excitin’, no doubt about it. But they also make you think. These fellas, they put their bodies on the line every time they step in that ring. Or cage, whatever they call it. They’re riskin’ their health and well-bein’ for our entertainment. It’s a tough business, this fightin’ business. Not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.
And it ain’t just about brute strength, you know. There’s strategy involved too. These fellas gotta be quick on their feet, gotta be able to think fast, gotta be able to anticipate their opponent’s moves. It’s like a chess game, only with fists and feet instead of pawns and knights. And the stakes are a whole lot higher, I reckon.
UFC fans, they love a good knockout. The quicker, the better. It’s the ultimate display of power and skill. It’s the moment when all the trainin’ and all the hard work pays off. It’s the moment when one fella proves he’s better than the other, at least for that one night.

So yeah, the fastest UFC knockout? Jorge Masvidal. Five seconds. That’s the one they’ll be talkin’ about for years to come. It’s a record, they say. And records are meant to be broken, but I don’t know how anyone gonna beat that. Five seconds? That’s faster than a greased piglet slippin’ through your fingers. You just ain’t gonna catch it. And that, my friends, is the story of the fastest knockout in the UFC, as far as I know it.