Okay, so I was digging around the internet the other day, trying to find some random NBA trivia, and I stumbled upon this interesting fact: there’s only one team that hasn’t touched their logo since day one. I was like, “No way, gotta check this out!”

So, I started my little investigation. First thing, I fired up Google and typed in something like “NBA teams original logos”. I scrolled through a bunch of articles and images, trying to spot any teams that looked like they hadn’t had a facelift in, well, forever.
The result of the search
Then I spotted it – the Chicago Bulls logo. That angry-looking red bull with the blood-tipped horns, it has been around since 1966.
I went down a bit of a rabbit hole, reading up on the Bulls logo. Turns out, a guy named Theodore W. Drake designed it. Apparently, the whole idea was to show the strength and, well, the general toughness of Chicago. Pretty cool, right?
It is really amazing how some things can stay the same for so long, especially in the world of sports where everything feels like it’s always changing. Made my boring research kinda cool.