Well now, if ya play “Clash of Clans,” you sure know ’bout them goblins! Them little green fellas, always running around, causin’ trouble, and takin’ what’s not theirs. But lemme tell ya, they ain’t all bad. They got a real special job in the game, and they sure know how to make a mess of a resource storage!

First thing ya need to know is that them goblins are the fastest ground troop you got. They ain’t the biggest or the strongest, but boy, they sure can get to them resources quicker than any other troop! They’ll run right past them walls, ignoring all them fancy defenses, and go straight for your gold, elixir, or dark elixir. If you wanna raid and make sure you come back with a sack full, you gotta use goblins!
Goblins and Resource Raiding
Now, what they really good at is raiding them resource buildings. I ain’t just talkin’ ’bout any ol’ building, no sir. I’m talkin’ ’bout them storages and collectors where you keep all your goodies. Them goblins got a real knack for stealin’ from them places. You see, they deal double damage to them resource buildings, so they can tear through them quick. The more goblins you send, the quicker you fill up your pockets!
If you’re looking to farm and get more loot, goblins are your best friend. Just send them in, and they’ll get to work, no hesitation. If you’ve got them upgraded, you’ll see ’em doing a whole lot more damage, and that makes your farming a whole lot easier!
Level Up Your Goblins
Just like with any other troop in the game, them goblins can be upgraded to make ’em stronger. The more you upgrade, the tougher they get, and the better they are at raiding them resources. Once you get them to a higher level, they’ll take less time to break through them buildings and make off with your loot. So don’t forget to spend some time upgrading them goblins when ya can. It’ll pay off in the long run!
Sneaky Goblins
Now, if you really want to up your game, there’s a special kind of goblin called the Sneaky Goblin. Them sneaky fellas are just like the regular goblins, but they’re a bit more… well, sneaky! They don’t get noticed as easily, and they do more damage when they hit. You can unlock them when your goblins reach level 7 and your Town Hall’s been upgraded to level 11 or higher. But don’t get too excited, they cost a bit more to boost—like 25,000 dark elixir or a super potion. But trust me, they’re worth it when you need to make a real quick raid.

Goblin Knife Strategy
Speaking of strategies, there’s something called the “Goblin Knife” strategy, and it works real well at Town Hall 9 and 10. This strategy is all about using goblins to quickly get through the defenses and hit the resource storages. You might want to send in a few troops first to take out any pesky defenses like mortars or air defenses, and then let the goblins run wild. You can get a lot of loot this way, and it don’t take much time or effort!
Is It Worth It?
Now, ya might be thinkin’—are goblins really worth it? Well, let me tell ya, if you’re lookin’ to raid for resources and get the most loot, goblins are some of the best troops for the job. They don’t cost too much to train, and they’re fast and efficient. You won’t find a better troop when it comes to snatching up loot!
Of course, they ain’t invincible, so don’t expect them to survive a full-on attack. But if you’re just looking to fill up your coffers with gold and elixir, goblins are the way to go. Just make sure to keep an eye on them, so they don’t get wiped out by defenses before they can do their job!
So, there ya have it! Goblins might be small, but they sure do pack a punch when it comes to raiding. If you’re wantin’ to fill up your storages without much hassle, you better get yourself a good gang of goblins. Upgrade ‘em, use the Sneaky Goblin if you can, and don’t forget the Goblin Knife strategy. With them on your side, you’ll be taking all the loot you need in no time!
Tags:[Clash of Clans, Goblins, Goblin Knife Strategy, Sneaky Goblins, Resource Raiding, Town Hall, Fast Troops]