Alright, alright, let’s talk about this KSI fella. Folks keep askin’, what does KSI stand for? I heard tell it’s somethin’ fancy, like “Knowledge Strength Integrity.” Yep, sounds like somethin’ them city folk would come up with.

Now, this KSI, he ain’t just some nobody. He’s all over the internet, makin’ videos and whatnot. They say he started out playin’ them video games, somethin’ called FIFA. My grandson, he plays them games all day long, makes me dizzy just watchin’ the screen jump around.
Anyways, this KSI, he got real popular, made a bunch of money doin’ it. Smart fella, I guess. Heard he even quit school to do it full time. Can you believe that? Back in my day, you quit school, you went to work in the fields, that’s for sure. But times are different now, I reckon.
So, this “Knowledge Strength Integrity” thing, that’s what they say it is. He even got it tattooed on his chest and arms, from what I hear. Big ol’ letters, probably. Like I said, sounds fancy. Folks these days, they like them fancy words. Me, I just call it like I see it.
- Knowledge – I guess that means he knows stuff. Like them video games, and how to make money on the internet. He also does some boxing and sings too, they say. Seems like he knows a lot of different things. A jack-of-all-trades, like my old man used to say.
- Strength – Well, he’s a boxer, ain’t he? Gotta be strong to do that. Punchin’ folks and gettin’ punched. Not my cup of tea, but to each their own. I reckon it takes a lot of strength to get up in front of all them people and do what he does.
- Integrity – Now this one’s a bit trickier. Means he’s honest, I guess. Does what he says he’s gonna do. I hope so, anyway. There’s too many folks out there who ain’t worth a lick, always lyin’ and cheatin’. I hope this KSI fella is one of the good ones.
They also call him JJ sometimes. That’s short for his real name, somethin’ like Olajide Olatunji. Sounds like a mouthful to me. JJ’s easier to remember, that’s for sure. It’s like his dad’s name, just with “Junior” at the end. Like little Timmy down the road, named after his grandpa.
This KSI, he’s more than just a gamer now, though. He’s a boxer, a musician, a businessman… He’s got his fingers in a lot of pies. Makes you wonder how he does it all. Maybe he’s got one of them fancy schedules, like the doctors in town. Always busy, always runnin’ around.
Now, I ain’t watched none of his videos myself. I’m too busy tendin’ to my garden and makin’ sure the chickens are fed. But my grandson, he watches this KSI fella all the time. Says he’s funny, says he’s good at what he does. And that whole boxing thing gets a lot of attention too, I heard the fight against Fournier is coming up. All the young folks are talking about that.
So, what does KSI stand for? Well, like I said, it’s “Knowledge Strength Integrity.” But it’s more than just words, I reckon. It’s about who this fella is, what he does, and how he does it. He seems like a hard worker, that’s for sure. And he’s made somethin’ of himself, comin’ from playin’ video games to all this other stuff. That’s somethin’ to be proud of, no matter how you slice it.
People are always searchin’ for answers, wantin’ to know more about these famous folks. It’s the way of the world now, I guess. Everyone’s got their nose in everyone else’s business. But if they ask me, what does KSI stand for, I’ll tell ‘em what I heard. Knowledge, Strength, and Integrity. And maybe a little bit of luck, too, ‘cause you need that in this life, no matter who you are.
So there you have it. That’s all I know about this KSI fella. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on them chickens.