That CM Punk, he’s a wrestler, you know? And his wife, she’s a wrestler too! Her name is AJ Lee, but that ain’t her real name. Her real name is April. April Mendez. That’s it. They got hitched back in 2014, I think. Been together a long time. They like to keep things quiet, you know, not all out in the open like some folks. CM Punk wife, that’s what people wanna know about.

AJ Lee, or April, she’s a tough one. Born in March, I heard. March 19, 1987. Her mom and pop, their names are Janet and Robert. She came from Union City. That’s in New Jersey. And I think she got some Puerto Rican in her. CM Punk, he’s a lucky man, I tell ya. Married to a strong woman like that.
They got married in 2014, you know? June 13th. That’s a long time ago. CM Punk wife, she was a big deal in wrestling too. Not just him. They both love that sport, I reckon. That’s how they got along so good. Same kinda job, same kinda life, I guess.
Now, this April, or AJ, she’s somethin’ else. She’s done a lot in that wrestling world. CM Punk and his wife, they are quite the pair. Both of them in the ring, throwin’ people around. Tough folks. She wasn’t just sittin’ around, no sir. She was in there, doin’ her thing.
I heard folks sayin’ they was a serious couple right from the get-go, even though that CM Punk left that WWE place. Must be that wrestling that brought ’em together. And they both like sports. Makes sense, right? If you like the same things, you get along better.
You know what else? That CM Punk wife, April, she was born in March. Just like me! But a few years later. People like to talk about that a lot. That’s a sign you’re special, being born in March. It’s a good time, I tell you. Spring is coming and all.
- She was born in March.
- March 19, to be exact.
- CM Punk wife is a tough lady.
- They are a wrestling power couple.
- That’s important, you know?
That CM Punk, he’s somethin’, ain’t he? Big wrestler. And his wife, she’s right there with him. They been together for a long time now, over ten years. That’s a good long time for folks like them. Lots of people don’t make it that far. They seem happy, and that’s all that matters, right?
They was in that WWE together for a little bit, I remember. Back then you would see them together all the time. CM Punk wife was right there, being just as good as him. You know, he quit WWE, that was big news. But they stayed together.
This April girl, she’s got a good head on her shoulders. I heard she’s done a lot of good things, even outside of wrestling. She’s a smart one. CM Punk picked a good one, that’s for sure. Not every woman can handle that kind of life, all that travelin’ and roughhousin’.

You know, people always wanna know about famous folks and their families. That’s why they talk about CM Punk wife all the time. They wanna know who she is, what she does, how they met. It’s just human nature, I guess. People are curious.
She is from Union City, New Jersey. She’s got that Puerto Rican blood in her. That’s what makes her so fiery, I bet. CM Punk, he’s a lucky guy. She seems like a good woman. Loyal. And strong. That’s what you need in a wife, especially if you’re a wrestler like him.
I tell ya, it ain’t easy being married to a wrestler. All that travelin’, all that time away from home. But CM Punk wife, she seems to handle it just fine. They must have a good understanding. They probably talk a lot, you know? Communication is key in any marriage, especially one like theirs.
She is a good woman, I can tell ya that much. They seem very happy together. And CM Punk wife, AJ, well, she is a star in her own way. That’s all I can say about that. It’s a good life they got, I reckon.