Oh, honey, you wanna know about this WWE Pay Per View thing, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, it’s somethin’ else! It’s like them wrasslin’ shows, but ya gotta pay extra to see ’em. Ain’t that somethin’?

So, this WWE, it’s like a big ol’ group of folks who like to put on these shows. And they got all these fancy names, like Royal Rumble. Lord, that one’s a hoot. A whole bunch of them big ol’ fellas in the ring at the same time, throwin’ each other around. Like a bunch of hogs fightin’ in a pen, I tell ya. And then there is this WrestleMania. Now that one, that is big deal. They do it every year, everybody watch.
But this Pay Per View, that’s how they get ya. See, they got these shows, these big events, and ya can’t just watch ’em on your regular TV. Nope. Gotta pay extra. Like buyin’ a whole extra hog when ya just wanted a little bacon.
- You gotta call up your TV people, or somethin’.
- Then ya gotta give ’em your money.
- And then, bam, you can watch it.
It is simple. It’s like when Mildred’s boy started chargin’ folks to watch his chickens fight. Same idea, just bigger and on the TV. But you have to pay for every one of these shows. It’s not just one time, and you have all the fights. Nope. Every show is a new time to pay.
Now, they got all sorts of these Pay Per View shows. They got that Elimination Chamber. That sounds scary, don’t it? Like some kinda torture thing. But it’s just more wrasslin’. They put ’em all in a big cage, I reckon. Sounds like a mess to me. But they want to be in WrestleMania, so they do it.
And they got this fella, John Cena. Heard that name a lot. Seems like he’s in all these things. He’s like the prize rooster of the whole bunch. And they say he is gonna go away soon. They call it a farewell tour. Just like old Bessy when we sent her to the butcher. A farewell tour.
These young folks, they get all excited about it. They love watchin’ these fellas jump around and pretend to hurt each other. Reminds me of when my boys used to play fight in the yard. Except these fellas, they get paid for it. And folks pay to watch ’em. Crazy world, ain’t it?
So, yeah, that’s what this WWE Pay Per View is all about. Payin’ extra to watch somethin’ you could probably see for free if you waited long enough. But folks like it now, I guess. They want it now. Like when you’re cravin’ pie, and you don’t wanna wait for it to bake.
I don’t always understand it, but I reckon if it makes ’em happy, then that is good. It is their money to spend, and they want to spend it on WWE. I like my soap operas, they like WWE Raw, and WWE Smackdown. I don’t know what those are, but the young folks, they like it. As long as they ain’t hurtin’ nobody, and they ain’t botherin’ me none, then it’s all right, I suppose.

They got these recaps, too. Where they talk about who won and all that. They really like these WWE Pay Per View shows. It is their thing. Like knitting is my thing. But instead of yarn and needles, they got big ol’ sweaty men and a TV.
But I guess it keeps ’em entertained. Keeps ’em outta trouble. And Lord knows, we need more of that these days. These young people are crazy about WWE and these shows. They talk about WWE Raw, WWE Smackdown and then they have the Pay Per View. They will save money, just to watch.
So, if you’re thinkin’ about watchin’ one of these WWE Pay Per View things, just remember, you gotta pay for it. Every single one. It ain’t cheap, but if it makes you happy, that is good. It is your money. And you can watch John Cena and the rest of them boys. They will be in the Elimination Chamber and then, WrestleMania.
Just don’t come cryin’ to me when you’re broke and can’t afford your groceries. ‘Cause I told ya, it’s like buyin’ that extra hog when all ya needed was a little bacon. But hey, if you want to see Royal Rumble or WrestleMania, you gotta pay. That is just how it is.