That Yordan Alvarez, he’s a big name in the baseball, ain’t he? Hits them balls real far, that one. But you know what? A man ain’t nothin’ without a good woman behind him. And that Yordan, he’s got a good one, that Monica Quiros Alvarez. She is his wife, you see.

They been together a long time, these two. Long time. That Monica, she’s a pretty thing. Came from Cuba, just like him. That place called Camaguey, sounds like somewhere way far away. They both ended up in ‘Merica though, Tampa, Florida, to be exact. That’s where that little Monica grew up, went to A.P. Leto High School. You know, they got kids now, a girl and a boy.
They say that Monica, she keeps things quiet. Not one for all that fancy attention. But she’s always there, supportin’ her man. That’s what a good wife does. And Yordan, well, he’s proud of her, you can tell. You see pictures of ’em, he’s always got his arm around her, smilin’ like a fool. Good for him, I say. Good for him. They make a good pair, the two of them.
Now, that little girl they got, Mia, she was born first. November 6th, 2018. Right there in Tampa. Then came the boy, Jordan. He came along July 2nd, 2021. Two little ones to keep ’em busy, that’s for sure. Must be a handful, but a blessing. Kids always are. Even when they’re causin’ a ruckus, they’re a blessing.
Yordan, he’s makin’ a good livin’ with that baseball. They say he’s makin’ millions! This year, they say it’s somethin’ like $10,000,000. Ten million dollars! Can you believe that? I sure can’t. He made $12,000,000 last year, they tell me. And some other big number the year before that. Lots of money. More money than I ever seen in my whole life, that’s for sure. But you know, money ain’t everything.
It’s good to have a good family, that’s what’s important. And it seems like Yordan and Monica, they got that. That is good to see. You can tell they love each other, those two. And those kids, they’re lucky to have ’em as parents. They look so happy in the pictures.
- Monica Quiros Alvarez is Yordan’s wife.
- They both from Cuba.
- Moved to Tampa, Florida.
- Two kids, Mia and Jordan.
- Yordan makes a lot of money playing baseball.
That Yordan, he plays for the Houston Astros. Big team. He’s a left-handed hitter, they say. Whatever that means. All I know is he hits that ball real good. Keeps hittin’ them home runs, year after year. Impressive, that’s what it is. He got hurt recently, though. Sliding into the base, they said. Hurt his knee. Hope he gets better soon.
But he’s got Monica to take care of him. And those two little ones. They’ll keep him goin’. Family always does. That’s the most important thing, ain’t it? More important than all the money in the world. More important than baseball, even.
I seen a lot in my life. And one thing I know for sure is that love and family, that’s what matters. Yordan and Monica, they seem to understand that. Good for them. I wish ’em all the best. They deserve it. They really do. It is a long journey, as they say, being husband and wife. And they made it.

Monica, she’s a good wife to that Yordan. Stands by him. Takes care of him and the kids. That’s what a good woman does. And Yordan, he’s lucky to have her. Don’t you forget it. A good wife is worth more than gold. Even more than ten million dollars. They are a good team, just like in baseball.